Securities Commision Malaysia–OCIS Roundtable on Islamic Finance
The Fifth Securities Commision Malaysia– OCIS Roundtable on Islamic Finance took place in Kuala Lumpur on 22–23 March 2014. More than seventy international delegates were welcomed to the event by Datuk Ranjit Ajit Singh, Chairman of the Securities Commision, and by the Director of the Centre. The keynote address was delivered by HRH Raja Dr Nazrin Shah, Financial Ambassador of the Malaysian International Islamic Financial Centre, who was also the guest of honor at the gala dinner for delegates and senior invited guests. The theme of this year’s discussion was the issue of Islamic endowments (waqf) and delegates discussed the challenge of managing endowments in accordance with Islamic law and the wishes of the benefactors, but also in ways which maximised the benefit to, and reflected the needs of, modern Muslim societies.