Young Muslim Leadership Programme
Initiated in 2016 in cooperation with the Prince's Charities, the Centre organises the Young Muslim Leadership Programme to encourage greater participation by Muslims in public life. This nine-day residential summer school is held at Oxford each year and is attended by young British Muslims, men and women between the ages of 21 and 30, who have demonstrated leadership potential in their chosen career-paths. They are drawn from a variety of backgrounds and interests, including national and local government, academia, the legal profession, media, and the voluntary sector.
The course consists of workshops, seminars and institutional visits. Presentations are made by Members of Parliament, senior civil servants and academics, as well as representatives of the media and community organisations. In evaluating their experience, participants have welcomed the opportunities the Programme provides to discuss the challenges facing Muslims in relation to education, employment, housing and foreign policy.
Click here to view the Centre's Annual Report entry on the last YMLP.